“….heaven and earth will pass way, but My words will by no means pass away…” Matthew 24:35 (NKJV)

With the onslaught of events around the world, economic crisis and recession, wars and natural disasters, a lot of things are changing in various nations of the world. Different nations are coming up with several policies to tackle several issues concerning them, and everyone is forced to follow those policies to meet up with the demands of the economic downturn. But somehow, the policies don’t seem to be working. The more they try to make things work, the more it gets worse because the world is passing away (1 John 2:17) according to the scriptures. However, It is important to know that the changes in the world, are not meant for you because though you are in this world you are not of this world (John 15:19). It is true everyone is expecting the government to do what they promised, “bring change and economic stability”. This doesn’t mean you should start worrying about the failed policies. Rather, you are expected to stay with the principles revealed to us in God’s word to be able to stay afloat in these trying times.

Now, I am not saying that you should not consider the laws and the policies being initiated by the Government, I am only saying don’t depend on them for survival but hold on to God’s principles. The reason is that God’s principles never fail no matter what happens. In these trying times, where everything is fast changing, you must learn to hold on to God’s word and stay with the principles revealed to us in it. It is the principles of God that can help a man to be victorious in these unstable times. For example, the bible let us know in 1 John 5:4 that faith is the victory that has overcome the world. Now, if you must win in your world, you must choose to operate in faith. No matter what is going on in this world today, faith is one thing that brings the world to its knees and if you will operate in it, the world and it’s systems will be at your feet. You will never be a victim of the recession or the economic downturn that has plagued the world. Therefore I encourage you to do the needful. Search the scriptures, know what it says and go in that path. Never give up on what it says and you will be amazed how your path in life will be filled with light irrespective of what is going on in the world. Halleluiah!


It is the principles of God that can help a man to be victorious in these unstable times!


Thank you, heavenly Father, for revealing to me the secret of staying victorious in this world, I declare that henceforth I stay with your word and choose to engage in its principles, because I know that as I do this, I subdue and overcome in all areas in Jesus name. Amen!


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