“…as a man thinks in His heart so is he…” —Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV)

Do you know that all some people do every day of their lives is sit down, put their hands on their jaw and start thinking about all the negative things that are happening to them and around them? Yes, that is what most people do. They are never able to sit back and just count their blessings; all they do is count their losses. They feel as though they could have achieved more but nothing is happening. In most cases, you will hear them say things like “…I don’t know why God has allowed me to go through this in my life…” They speak as though God has done nothing at all, so they end up thinking and dwelling on the wrong thoughts, which only makes them depressed and sadly most of the time. Beloved, this is not the kind of life God wants you to live. You need to understand that thinking the wrong things is wasting your thoughts and precious time. The human thought process was given to help him to achieve great things in his life and not to dwell on the wrong things in life. A lot of people have lost their lives because of this kind of lifestyle. They have dwelt so much on the negative things to the point that the only thing happening around them are the negative things. Their negative thoughts now attract only negative incidents and when you stay long with them, you contact this air of negativity because that’s all you get around them.

But I write to you today so that you can make up your mind to be different. Make a conscious decision not to spend your time dwelling on those things that are not happening, because that would mean, channelling your thoughts on the wrong things. My advice to you is that you spend your time thinking about the things God has done for you. Acknowledge the works of God in your life and not the works of the devil. Believe me, it is the best thing that can happen to you. God actually wants to see it in you that you are grateful for the things He has done so far. God is a faithful God but the question is, do you recognize this? When you recognize this in your life, you choose to celebrate the marvellous things God has done in your life and you let go of the things that are not working. So, I acknowledge you today to focus on the things that God is doing in your life and celebrate these things wholeheartedly. When you do this, you position yourself for greater victories and exploits. Hallelujah!


Let go of the things that are not working, and focus on the things that God has done and still doing in your life!


Father, I am so grateful for all the wonderful things you have done in my life. I am so grateful for divine health, provision, protection and preservation. I choose to celebrate these in my life and I declare that no matter the odds, my focus will continually be your goodness in my life and nothing more in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Categories: April 2021


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