“…and these signs will follow those who believe; in my name they will cast out demons….” Mark 6:17 (NKJV)

Having established the fact, you have the authority to cast out demons, you might say but how do I know when I am facing a demonic situation? Well, it is simple! Sometimes these demons might manifest in the form of sickness and you just find a part of your body acting up, don’t despair. Open your mouth and command it to go from you in the name of Jesus. One of the reasons you must exercise this authority at all times, is because we are living in the last days and demonic forces of different kinds has been set loose to frustrate the people of God and probably destroy their lives. But you must refuse to be a victim by standing in the power and authority that has been made available to you in the name of Jesus.

You might say but sir, I have tried to cast out this particular demon troubling me but nothing is happening. Well, it is possible you were doing it in fear. You need to understand that demons do know when we operate in fear and are not sure if we have faith in what we are doing. So, they don’t respond because they know we are not confident of what we are doing. Therefore, my advice is that when you cast out demons, don’t do it in fear but in faith and boldness because the chances of operating in fear is very fat. Become rugged and cast out demons because the grace to do that has been made available to you in Christ Jesus. Jesus has paralyzed the one who has the keys to hell and death (Revelation 1:18) and so have you. And all the demons know this. So, take advantage of this authority in Christ Jesus and do not allow any demon to play a fast on you. Praise God!


You have a responsibility to exercise the power and authority that has been given to you against any demon


Thank you, father, for the authority you have given to me in Christ Jesus. I declare that henceforth, I will exercise this authority and I choose to be confident when I do so in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Categories: January 2021


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