“…good teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life…. Then Jesus looked at him, loved him and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give it to the poor…” And come take up your cross, and follow me…” Mark 10:17-21 (NKJV)

Several questions go through my mind. And one of them is; what is God’s worth to me? How much silver and gold am I willing to give up for Jesus? Is God a priority in my life or do I have my preference? I don’t think a lot of people would be able to answer this. We still have people who find it hard to give a few thousand in the church. So this tells me, there are so many things they won’t give away. Then I still ask, “What is the worth of my savior to me? Is He worth my life? It’s obvious that I was worth His life. “Can I let go of my best friends to be with Jesus? Can I forget about my home country to be with Jesus? Is there an amount I can pay that would be enough to cover the price that Jesus paid?” All these questions and many more have thought me, that even if I give it all away, it still won’t be enough. So there is no price I can actually pay for what Jesus has done for me. Therefore, instead of trying to see what I can pay to Him for what He has done for me, I can just give myself to Him. I can give Him all of me because in actual sense He owns me now.

Our opening text shows us that the rich man couldn’t give away all his wealth to follow Jesus. Yet he wanted to have eternal life. It’s easy for a man to want to live forever, but what price are you willing to pay for what you want? The good thing about Jesus is that He never asks for a price you cannot pay. The only thing He has ever asked is that we give ourselves to Him. The rich man could not give himself, he could not empty his wealth, because he had such great possessions, and they all had so much value to him. We would always find ourselves at this point sometimes, where we just can’t give our time to God. In fact, I have heard people say, “Time is money! Every time I waste is costing me money!” Especially when it comes to spending such time with Jesus they consider it a waste. My advice to you as you read this article is that you “empty yourself for the Lord” Don’t come to Jesus with your leg in and out. You must come to him knowing He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6)


Give Him all of you because in actual sense He owns you!


Dear Jesus! You have offered a great sacrifice for me. What can I render to show you how much I love you? Except myself! I reaffirm my faith today, that I am completely yours. My time is not too expensive to give you; my money and all I have are yours because you have given all to me. Use me for your glory. Amen!


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