“…now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us…” I John 5:14 (NKJV)

One of the things that are common amongst God’s people today is prayer. They know how to pray but guess what? They are not as conscious of receiving answers to their prayers, as they are conscious of praying. For them, prayer has become a routine or a religious practice which they ought to do every day just to fulfill all righteousness. But it ought not to be so, because when we pray, we are speaking to somebody who actually hears us and is willing to do for us what we desire of Him. The problem today is that too many people now pray with their minds absent on the reality of what they are doing. Some actually don’t think they are talking to the God who hears. They have this attitude of “let me just pray and do my part”. But it is important to know that while you pray, you should know that someone is actually listening to you. When you have this mindset it becomes easy not only to pray but have fellowship with God when you pray. And not only so, but it also becomes easy to receive answers to your petitions.

So I am writing this especially, that you might step up in your prayer life and believe that He hears you. Stop praying as though to you are talking to a tree. You are talking to the living God who made you. Now, having adjusted in this area, you must also realize that He not only hears you but He is willing to grant you the desires of your heart. Believe it and live in the consciousness of it. If you can, it will re-organize your walk with God. I remember speaking to a young man, a few years ago who had an issue with his eyes. He was very sad about what was going on with his eyes, so I encouraged him to pray and commit it to the Lord. But he asked a question that shocked me. He initially agreed with me and said he was going to pray, but just when I was about to walk away, he called me back and said, pastor, do you really think if pray, God will hear me? I was dazed with the question because, he has been a Christian for many years, and still does not believe that God can actually hear him. So I encouraged him and told him to approach God in faith and watch things turn around. Although he wasn’t so convinced but there was nothing more I could do. Now, I gave this account to say this, there are many people who still think that way but God is asking me to tell you to think otherwise and begin to believe that He hears you because He does hear you. Stop approaching God like you are approaching a non – living thing. You are approaching the very living God who created the heavens and the earth. He can hear you and is willing to help you. Therefore, “if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him…” 1 John 5:15 (NKJV) Praise God! 


Stop approaching God like you are approaching a non – living, He hears you!


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for reassuring me of your audience and willingness to come to my aid. I declare that henceforth, I will pray with confidence and consciousness, knowing very well that whatever it is that I ask you, you hear me and satisfy me early in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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