“…so the people of Nineveh believed God, proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least of them…”

Jonah 3:5 (NKJV)

After Jonah’s ordeal in the belly of the fish, the word of the Lord came to him for the second time, asking him to go and proclaim His word in Nineveh concerning the impending doom that awaits them. Now, the bible recorded that when he got there and started proclaiming the message, the people of Nineveh believed God, proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least of them…” Jonah 3:5 (NKJV). They didn’t try to argue or doubt if Jonah was telling them the truth, they knew that the message was coming from God, so they acted on it immediately and proclaimed a fast. As if that was not enough, they also decided to amend their ways, because they believed the word. Interestingly, their action, got God’s attention because the bible said that “…God saw their works that they turned from their evil way, and God relented from the disaster that He said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it…” Jonah 3:10 (NKJV). The question is when you hear God’s word on several issues, how do you respond to it? Do you see it as truth or you just shrug it off as one of those things? One of the things I have seen in the lives of many believers is that, even when they hear the truth, they are not able to discern if that’s the truth or not. And if they do, they don’t act on it.

However, the bible says “…be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves….” James 1:21 (NKJV). Did you see that? This lets us know that God does not just want us to hear the word, He also wants us to do what it says because that is where the blessing lies. It is only when we believe the word and do it that’s when God is able to guide us and cause us to access deep things of the Spirit. So make a conscious decision today, to not only believe the word but do it as well. Your success, progress and overall victory depend on this. Doing the word can preserve you like it did to the people of Nineveh and it can also position you in the perfect will of God. So do not underestimate it. Believe the word and don’t stop there. Do what it says or what is expected of you. Praise God!


Your success, progress and overall victory depends on doing the word and not just hearing it or believing it!


Am a doer of the word and not just a hearer only, I do what God says and execute what He wants me to execute. I eliminate what He wants me to eliminate and I walk in the path He wants me to walk in. My path is clear and straight because I walk in the divine direction of the word in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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