“…for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvellous are your works and that my soul knows very well…”- Psalms 139:14

I have seen lots of people today who are doing everything possible to try to be someone else. Many have even gone as far as doing surgery just to look like somebody else but then the question I ask is, why go to such extent? It does not make any sense. The most amazing part of this trend is that today, there are men who are trying to be like ladies and there are ladies who are trying to be like men, all because they are not satisfied with the way they look. Beloved, as a child of God, you don’t have to be someone else to achieve anything in life; you just have to be yourself. Trying to be someone else, is like interfering in the way God created you. It is a pollution of God’s original intent and this is absolutely not good. When you are trying to be like someone else, you are indirectly saying to God, I am not satisfied with the way you created me hence; I need to look like someone else. It is a confession of discontentment that will only end up destroying the beauty that God has originally given to you. You shouldn’t come to this point in your life because you are created in the image of God and God didn’t make a mistake when He created you that way.

Understand that you have been created with unique features that you and only you have in the whole universe. No matter how you see it, there are no two – you. You are the only you that exist and will ever exist. There is nobody in this world that looks the way you look and have exactly the features that God created you with. So don’t bother trying to be someone else, because no matter how you try you will not look like him or her, you will only end up disfiguring the beauty that God has made. So what do you do then? Celebrate your features; your looks and your build, knowing well that God didn’t make a mistake when He created you. He made you, the way you are because you are unique and special. This was the understanding that the Psalmist had when he said, “…I am fearfully and wonderfully made…”- Psalms 134:14 (NKJV). He had an understanding of the uniqueness God wrought in him, so he had to praise God for it. Begin from now, to see the good that God has created in you, start seeing yourself well so that others can see you that way. Develop confidence in the way you look and believe me, your life will not remain the same.


No matter how you see it, there are no two you’s; you are unique!


Father, I praise your Holy Name because you have created me in your own image. I have been fearfully and wonderfully made, and I am proud of it. I am the only me that exists and will ever exist therefore, I go out today and show forth the beauty you have kept in me. I am most grateful in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Categories: November 2019


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