“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit”– Proverbs 18:21

It’s important for us as children of God to be wise in the way we use our tongue because our mouth is the driver of our life. In other words, our life goes in the direction of what comes out of our mouth. Today you find people who speak ill about their jobs, health, family, business and others. Nothing good ever comes out of their mouth. They often think that when a man is going through a particular situation, he is supposed to just say it as it is, unknown to them that, God does not want us saying it as it is, rather God wants us to say the things we want to see because saying what you want to see is and not complaining is the key to possession. Saying it as it is and saying what you want to see are not the same. The former means speaking your feelings while the latter means re-creation. When you speak negative words all the time, what you end up doing is speaking death and nothing will work out right because all that comes out of your mouth lacks the ability to make things work. You need to know that your words are very powerful; they are potent and full of ability. Our opening scripture says “death and life are in the power of the tongue…” Proverbs 18:21. That’s how powerful the words that come out of our mouth are, it has the ability to initiate death or life so if you do not learn to use your mouth wisely, you will not enjoy the fruit of it.

Therefore, refuse to be like those in the world who speak negative words all the time and end up becoming a victim of their own words. Rather, be quick to hear but slow to talk. If you ever open your mouth to speak, let it be full of grace (Colossians 4:6) and let it be such that has the ability to bless and edify not such that will cause destruction. Choose to say what you want to see and not what you feel. If you run your mouth carelessly, you will only get yourself into trouble and become a victim of your words. Every word that comes out of your mouth, has the ability to either destroy or create. In the book of James 3:5, 6 (NASB) the bible says the tongue is a small part of the body, yet it boasts great things……it is a fire, the very world of iniquity; the tongue is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our life…”  From this, you find that if you don’t use your tongue wisely, the course of your future will be set on fire. Take advantage of the power of your tongue, and use it with wisdom.


Don’t say it as it is, rather say what you want to see!


I declare that from this day henceforth, I use my tongue wisely, to build, to construct and to re-create the affairs of my life. I prophesy that with my tongue, I will talk myself to the top, talk myself out lack and every situation that is not in line God’s word for my life in Jesus name Amen

Categories: February 2021


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