“…trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy path…” Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV)

Our opening text encourages us to put our trust in the Lord to direct our path and tell us what to do in life. It further encourages us not to depend on our own understanding. This is because most times there could always be another way and a better way than what we think is best for us. Sometimes because of our inexperience we don’t check out the odds. Just because it looks good, we make decisions based on what we see and what we have observed. But what if the decision you made was a wrong one for the future? Making the wrong decisions all the time isn’t God’s plan for us and therefore it should not be a continued practice. To keep going in the wrong path or making the wrong decision can be detrimental to your life and the future you hold so dear. Many say I want to be a doctor, I want to be a fashion designer, I want to be a pilot, I want to be a housewife, and I want to be an engineer. Well, it is good to have desires and dreams, but I discovered that many who desire these careers, don’t work towards it and they don’t make decisions that help them to achieve it. It’s better to work towards achieving your goals because what you do today decides what tomorrow will be.

You cannot keep making mistakes with your life, or choosing the wrong path because the things you ought to have achieved in two years may end up taking ten years or more to achieve. Making the right choice is a decision and a responsibility. This is the reason as Christians we don’t just decide to fly because we know that if a man would fly he will either need wings or need to board an aero plane. Funny isn’t it? But this is the truth. So how do you make the right decisions if you can’t just make them? Since decision making decides the direction and path that our life would go, making a decision should go hand in hand with prayers. There is a difference between deciding and telling God to bless your decision, and telling God what you want to do and asking Him if you should do it. Most times, people don’t ask God, He is the least to be consulted when they want to make a decision. Why don’t you try something new? Ask God for direction and move in the direction that He wants you to go. It’s called wisdom. Amen!


Making the right choice is a decision and a responsibility!


I declare this day, that I make the right decisions the first time because the spirit of excellence, perfection and wisdom is found in me. I declare that I will not continue to make blunders with my life. I go in the right direction the first time and I will not miss my path, because the Lord is my shepherd and He leads me all the way through. Amen!


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