“…then Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” They immediately left their nets and followed Him….” Mark 1:17-18 (NKJV)

As a Christian, do you follow Jesus willingly, or reluctantly? Do you follow Him because of what you want to gain or because of the love you have for Him? Well, the reason for this question is because as a Christian, you ought to follow Jesus willingly and wholeheartedly, not reluctantly or grudgingly. Sadly, what we see in the world today is that many are following Jesus reluctantly. Their response towards the things of God and the Kingdom, always reflects their reluctance and they don’t even know it. For most people, you literally have to persuade them to be in church, and even when they are in church you have to follow them up to participate or get involved in what is happening in church, which is not supposed to be so. However, your case as a Christian ought to be different. The number one proof that you truly love Jesus and appreciate what He has done for you, is to follow Him, willingly and not reluctantly. In the book of Mark 4:18-22, we see what true followership means. We see Jesus, meeting with Simon and Andrew who were fishermen, and He asked them to be a part of His mission. And when He did, they didn’t argue with or felt reluctant, they followed immediately.

The Bible shows us that they left all they had, they left their jobs and they started a journey with Jesus Christ. In fact, the scripture didn’t show us that they had any resistance or objections, nor did they have another opinion of what they were supposed to be doing or who they would rather be. They just packed their things and started to follow him. The interesting thing about the disciples of Jesus Christ was the fact that they didn’t know where they were going, they had no beautiful places to sleep or rest, they were neither promised gold nor silver for following Jesus. All Jesus had to give them was the message of the kingdom, which they could not visibly see with their eyes or hold with their hands. But they believed His message, and followed Him, without wanting material gain. They loved and enjoyed being in the presence of the Lord and had no worldly desires, other than the salvation of their soul. The disciples of Jesus Christ took their focus off “self”, and was focused on the work of the Kingdom. And today, we still talk about them and make reference to the way they followed Jesus. Why? Because they were selfless and willing in their followership. This is how it should be with you as a Christian. If you can do this, you will see the promises of God manifest in your life effortlessly. Hallelujah!


When you follow Jesus willingly, every desire of yours happens without struggles!


Father, I am so grateful for your Word today, I decree by the power of your Spirit, that the grace to follow willingly and not reluctantly, is at work in me and as I follow, the blessings of followership follow me in Jesus name. Amen!

Categories: February 2021


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