“…but do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased….” Hebrews 13:16 (NKJV)

It is God’s desire to manifest His blessings in our lives again and again. He has told us in His word that He would bless the works of our hands. The scripture says, “The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouses of His bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the works of your hands.” Deuteronomy 28:12 (NIV). But a question lingers on in my heart is, “Will God bless the works of my hands if they are evil? Will God bless the works of my hands when am acting in disobedience? The answer to these questions is, No! God won’t manifest His blessings in the works of your hands if you are walking in disobedience, and He won’t give you kudos either if you engage in evil activities. Take for example, a Christian is a member of an armed robbery gang, and as they strategize to rob a bank, he expects that God would give them safe passage to steal or make their robbery operation successful. That of course would not be the case. It is true that God wants to bless all His children because He wants to make them happy, but He doesn’t expect that what would make us happy should endanger the life and security or livelihood of another person. That’s why in the book of Proverbs 11:1 (AMP), the bible says, “…a false balance and dishonest business practices are extremely offensive to God….” Meaning that evil practices are offensive to God and He won’t condone it from a Christian. You might get away with some of those things in your babyhood stage of being a Christian, but as time goes on, God expects you to grow to spiritual maturity.

So what does God expect from you as a Christian? Well, you are expected to stay away from evil practices. A Christian should not be found in a gathering of persons whose character God does not condone. To be blessed by God or for God to bless the works of our hands, all Christians must strive to live a worthy life that God can bless without looking back, a life worthy of Christ, for it is written, “…let your conduct be worthy of the Gospel..” Philippians 1:27 (NKJV). Praise God!


Don’t live a life that God detest so that He can manifest His blessings in your life!


Dear Father! I thank you for the knowledge of your word and the wisdom in it. I declare that am bless-able, and everything I do is according to your desires and my life is worthy of the Gospel in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Categories: November 2019


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