“…so be careful how you live. Don’t live like ignorant people, but like wise people…”

Ephesians 5:15 (NKJV)

Over the years I have watched many people live their lives carelessly, go through a lot of pains, get into so many troubles and lose their lives. They were reckless in their decisions and actions only to meet a pathetic end. Recently I read about a very notorious young man who was gunned down after killing and kidnapping so many people. He was aged thirty-four but as at that age, he had killed quite a lot of people. His mother in an interview said, he killed his first victim at age thirteen and since then, he had terrorised his family and everyone in their locality. But guess what, today, he is no more. At a very tender age, he is no more because he didn’t live carefully. I also heard of another young man who was gunned down at age twenty-two because he didn’t live carefully.

Beloved, God in His infinite mercy did not give us life to squander or gamble with, God gave us life as a free gift of trust, that we might enjoy it, cherish it and fulfil His purpose for us. But today that is not the case, many people do not understand why life was given to them, so they live recklessly, taking risks and putting their lives on the line. They don’t care about what becomes the outcome of their lives when they walk in certain paths. They don’t care about the consequences that follow when they live in a certain way. All they care about is how to get pleasure today and forget about tomorrow. But they forget that the foundation of a better tomorrow must be laid today.

However, it is important that as a Christian, that you live every day of your life with tomorrow in mind. Be careful about the decisions you make and the risks you are willing to take. Be careful about the friends you hang out with and the kind of relationships you keep. Whether you like it or not, all these go a long way to determine the kind of future that you will have. No one ever arrived at the future by mistake, they all passed through what is called “today”, and the investments of today, are what make tomorrow, tomorrow.

So I admonish you to live your life carefully. Cherish what God has given to you and use it well. As a custodian of the life you have now, God will require an account of how you lived your life someday (Romans 14:12), so do the needful and make God proud. In the past, some people have said the reason they don’t care what happens to them is because of the pain and challenges they have been through. But the truth is, no matter the challenges and the difficulties that you face in life, it is never enough reason to live a reckless life. You must try to hold yourself together and use God’s Word to mould your life and create your future. God bless you!


The foundations of a better tomorrow must be laid today!


Heavenly Father I thank you for your grace; I thank you for trusting me so much to give me life. I thank you for your love and your mercy. I thank you for the ability you gave to me to be able to live carefully. I declare that recklessness is far from me and the wisdom to number my days and lay the right foundations every day for my future, is at work in me in the Name of Jesus. Amen!


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