“…. but avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife…”2 Timothy 2:23 (NKJV)

Over the years, many of God’s people have been found to engage in needless arguments and in the end, it either leads to a fight or strife. Because this is always the end result of needless arguments. However, if you do not want to get into a fight with people, it’s better to avoid these kinds of arguments that lead you nowhere. In our opening text, the Bible already counselled us saying, “…avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife…” 2 Timothy 2:23 (NKJV). Did you see that? Now, does this mean you shouldn’t engage at all in any argument? Certainly not. There are some arguments that are constructive in nature, these are the kinds of arguments you should be involved in. Arguments that edify and help both parties to learn. However, even such arguments have to be with boundaries. When you see that such an argument is already leading to a negative spot, you should be wise enough to abandon the argument and walk away before it turns into something else.

In the past we have seen several stories of people who got into arguments and did not know when to stop, so it led into something else. Why? Because argument generates strife and it stirs up anger which may not be easily controlled because of the nature of needless arguments.  So, as you journey in your Christian walk, never forget this counsel. Do all you can to avoid arguments that lead you nowhere. Avoid people, who are fond of coming up with controversial topics and even if you somehow got into any kind of argument with anyone, know when to call it quits and walk away because that is the right thing to do. The Bible says, “…any fool can start arguments; the honorable thing is to stay out of them…” Proverbs 20:3 (GNT). Hallelujah!


No matter the offence, be smart enough to walk away and not get into arguments!


Glorious and ever living Father, I thank you for this timely counsel. I choose this day to apply self-control at all times and no matter how offended I am, I will never be pushed to the limits, because I have the Holy Spirit and I am walking in the fruits of the Spirit in Jesus name. Amen!

Categories: February 2021


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