“…for the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me….” Job 3:25(KJV).

Job according to the scriptures was a very rich man, who later lost all his wealth one day. Job in the event of misfortune made a statement, about what he greatly feared, and what he was afraid of. He said that the thing he greatly feared happened to him, and that which he was afraid of came unto him. By this statement, we can boldly say, it was job who invited his misfortune. He must have thought at a certain time that his life was too good to be true and that something evil will take place soon. His imaginations gave birth to his misfortune. This is why we must all be very careful of the pictures we carry in our hearts because our mental pictures have the ability and capability to come alive. It is for this reason, we were warned in the scriptures to “…guard our hearts above all else, for everything you do flows from it…” Proverbs 4:23(NIV).

It’s important we know that the pictures we carry in our heart always gives birth to something, our imaginative ability is our creative ability. This therefore means that as believers, the best thing we can do for ourselves is to carry the right pictures or images in our heart, so that when our mental pictures begin to give birth, what it gives birth to will be something that will put us in a place of advantage and not in a place of disadvantage. We need to learn to produce the right thoughts, carry the right images in our heart so that when it bears fruits it will produce good fruits and not bad fruits. Our future and life are totally dependent on what we think and how we think. If we think positively we attract positive things to us, if we think negative, we attract negative things to us. So beloved, from today, start thinking positive thoughts so that your future can be affected positively. Amen!


Think positive thoughts and impact your life positively!


Thank you precious Father, for unveiling the truth to me today about my thoughts. Now I know that my imaginative power has the ability to create for me a bright future. Therefore, from today I make use of my creative ability, which is my mind, to create the future I want to see in Jesus’ name. Amen!




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