“…therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you…” James 4:7 (NKJV)

I have seen Christians who always have nothing good to say about the happenings in their lives. Every day is a day of trouble for them; they have no testimonies and always come back with bad news. Today something goes wrong and while they are still trying to fix the problem something else goes wrong, yet our Lord Jesus Christ came to bring us peace. So the question is why do Christians have so many challenges? For how long will a child of God continue to allow challenges to be the order of the day? When will He say enough is enough? For most people, their best option will be to quit but you, what will you do with these challenges that keep attacking you? Do you condone it, and allow challenges ravish your life as though you have not been made free? No! You cannot continue like this. You have a responsibility to attack it and put a stop to it! You can’t keep having challenges every day because you are a child of God!  Attack those challenges and put a stop to it now that you can, you can’t allow it to keep going on thinking that one day it would stop. It would not stop of its own accord. You have to stop it. The good news about your Christian life and the Lordship of Jesus Christ in your life is that “it is finished.”  That is, all that needs to be done spiritually for you has been sorted. Now you have to appropriate His finished works in your life by standing your ground. It can’t be finished if it’s still going on, it can’t be finished if it’s everyday life of pain.

Joyce Meyer wrote a devotional titled, “Enjoying everyday life.” This is my suggestion to every Christian. Don’t live an everyday life of pain and troubles. Don’t live like that because you have the power to overcome it, and you can overcome it, if and when you decide that you want to do it. Life is to be enjoyed not endured, and the only way to do that is to put a stop to all the advances of the devil that comes by way of challenges and problems. Don’t accommodate challenges or problems, attack it and deal with it, and make sure it leaves; don’t be quick to give up because when you give up, the challenge stays until you attack it. Our opening text clearly states that we should resist the devil and he would flee from us. The word resists means, to combat or to counter or to hold out against. So when you combat someone you fight his advances. And in fighting make sure you win. And if you will win, of course, you will need the sword of the spirit, take up all your weapons, like your faith, the word of God, prayers, seeds, fasting, etc. And see the challenge go from you forever. Praise God!


Life is to be enjoyed not endured!


I declare this day that challenges are bread for me. I will not condone challenges but I will put a stop to every challenge that comes my way. I live a life free of pain and troubles from this day. I will always have testimonies of great things happening to me with the children of God! Amen!


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