“…let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and established the work of our hands for us’ yes establish the work of our hands…” Psalms 90:17 (NKJV)

In the recent past, I have heard lots of people say, “I have put in every effort but nothing seems to be happening, all my efforts are futile, now I don’t know what more to do”. They say this with so much displeasure not knowing what more to do. However, each time I hear people say this, the only thing that comes to my mind is “Are these efforts Godly? Are they of the kingdom?” Because if they are Godly and are of the kingdom, they will surely produce results. So that being said, I want to ask you a very honest question, the efforts that you have put in so far in your life or in the things you really want achieve, are they godly? Are they of the kingdom? The reason I’m asking this question is that sometimes people put in so much worldly effort and expect to see kingdom results, it won’t work that way.

You must ensure that the area where you are channeling your efforts are supported by the scriptures. You can’t be working at cross purposes with the scriptures and expect to see mighty manifestations of the power of God in your life. It won’t work, so think about this and ask yourself, “these efforts am putting in are they supported by God? If they are not, then you must immediately look for ways to put an end to that struggle and start channeling your strength in the right direction. And be positive because godly efforts will always yield the desired results. It might tarry but you will surely reap a good harvest. It is not God’s desire to see any of His children putting in so much effort and getting fewer results. No, He’s got a much better plan than that for you but you have to search the scriptures and see the provisions of the scriptures so that you channel your strength in that direction and produce results. So I encourage you today to think about this and have a moment of truth where you will decide if the area where you are channeling your strength and time is of God or not. And do the right thing. Once your efforts are godly and are supported by the scriptures they will always produce results. So get to work and be determined. My prayer for you today is that, as you put in godly efforts, it will be crowned with glory and splendor, and every hindrance to the productivity of your efforts is hereby canceled in Jesus name. Amen!


Godly efforts will always produce godly results but worldly efforts will produce worldly results and this amounts to nothing!


I declare that my efforts are godly and they are producing the desired results by the power of the Holy Ghost. And every form of toiling and not getting results is canceled in my life because the blessing of God is fully at work in my life causing all I do to prosper in Jesus name. Amen!



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