“….for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places….”- Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV)

Life is spiritual and so it has to be approached from the spiritual realms in order to overcome all the difficulties that life will throw at you. Until and unless you understand this truth about life, you might have to travel a very rough road in life. I have seen many people who are really going through a lot of difficulties in their lives because they have not come to understand this secret. So they continue to wander in life and put in a lot of effort only to get very little results. In most cases some end up dying in the process because they didn’t understand what they were up against and how to tackle it. So they passed on to eternity without preparing for it or even fulfilling their purpose in this present life. But God wants you to fulfil your purpose and destiny, which is why He is bringing to you this timely message that you may gain understanding, and know the right steps to take.

Beloved, you must understand that life is spiritual and as such you have to live your life from the realm of the Spirit. In other words, administer the affairs of your life from a spiritual perspective. Before you take any important step in your life, you must handle it first in the spirit. Also when it comes to making decisions or choices, you must learn to do it from a spiritual point of view. Don’t approach important matters of your life physically or carnally rather let it be done spiritually. Because this will help you to succeed in all that you do. For some people, when they are met with difficult situation, they don’t take any spiritual step or try to see what they can do spiritually. All they do is cry, talk about the situations and do nothing about it. In some cases, you see them doing everything physically possible to make things work but in the long run nothing happens, because “…. we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places….”- Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV). For example, when a man owes a lot of debt, going from one friend to another looking for someone to give him money, will not fix the problem. What will fix the problem and make him not to have to borrow in future, is if he decides to tackle the matter spiritually. This is the reason you must administrate your life from the realms of the spirit.

So invest your time wisely in learning how to approach your life from a spiritual point of view. God bless you!


Approaching your life from the realms of the spirit is the key to winning in this world.


Heavenly father, I thank you for your love and glory in my life. I thank you for making it possible to administrate my life from the realms of the Spirit. I proclaim today that as I handle the situations of life from a spiritual point of view, I triumph in all that I do and I live a successful life in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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