“…. we having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak….” 2 Corinthians 4:13 (NKJV)

Having established the importance of making confessions about what you believe, it is necessary that you understand exactly what kind of confession we are talking about here.  We are not talking about a formal statement given to admit a crime committed. No, we are talking about proclamations, announcements, decrees and declarations. So, if you truly believe what God says about a matter, you are expected to start saying the same thing that God said and this is the reason why Paul wrote in the book of 2 Corinthians 4:13 saying, “I believed, and therefore have I spoken”. Did you see that?

So, as you go about your daily routine, I admonish you to not only believe but make confessions about what you believe. Give voice to what you believe God has said concerning your business, academics, health and family. If God has said a matter is settled, it becomes settled in your life when you believe it and say the same thing God said. When you do so, you bring alive the power resident in the word of God that you have received. Someone might say but I have done this before and I didn’t see any results, well, when it comes to making confessions about what you believe, you are not making that confession to make it happen, you make the confession because it has already happened. So, as you continue to give expression to that which God has said concerning you through words, that situation will have no choice but to comply and become what God says. I know that sometimes, it may not be an easy thing to do, especially when the matter is urgent but this is why you should have started making the necessary confessions earlier so that all situations in your life will begin to align to the truth you have come to believe God’s word. Hallelujah!


No matter how tough things may be, if you will maintain your confession, things will fall in place!


Father in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I thank you for bringing to me your word today, it has flooded my understanding with light and I will put the word to work. I will vocalize my beliefs today and all the rest of my life, I will not stop talking because my confession leads to possession therefore, I will talk to myself to the top and celebrate your goodness. Hallelujah!

Categories: March 2021


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