“…know His will, and approve the things that are excellent, being instructed out of the law, and are confident that you yourself are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness…” Romans 2:18-19 (NKJV)

Recently, I watched a very touching testimony that I would like to share with you. It was about a young man who received Jesus through a flyer given to him many months before. He was living a wayward life and would not go to church or listen to anybody. So one day, a man distributing tracts, saw him and gave him one. He received it and dumped it in his cupboard and never read it. But many months later, he faced a lot of problems in his life that brought him to a place of depression. In his search of a solution, he came across that tract which he received months ago and when he read it, the Holy Spirit convicted him of sin and he received Jesus in his life and became a changed person. Why? because months ago, someone who understood his responsibility as a Christian, gave him a tract. Now, I said all that to say that as Christians, we have been given the responsibility to be a guide to the blind. God has entrusted us with the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18) and God expects us to fulfil this ministry so that many will not perish. When you look around you based on what the scriptures says, you will realize that there are just too many people who are on their way to hell and will be lost forever. Because they do not believe Jesus Christ and what He has done on the cross of Calvary (John 3:16-20)       

Now, knowing that these people are going to be lost forever, what will you do about this? Are you going to fold your hands and just ignore them? Well, you are expected to do something constructive that will help a great deal in saving some people. Obviously, you will not be able to help everybody, but the little you do is what matters and it will go a long way to help someone receive salvation. The question is, what will you be willing to do? It’s simple, start with prayers. You may not be able to go on the street and start announcing the Gospel as it might not be allowed in the city where you live, but in your prayers, you can dispatch angels into the streets of that city to minister to people intimately and get them to believe the truth. In cases where you are able to go out, you can go out with Christian tracts or devotional like the Reflections devotional and hand it over to someone whom you feel will need it and the Holy Ghost can work with it to bring that person to salvation. In other cases, where you have an opportunity to talk to someone about the Gospel, do not hesitate to do so, because it will go a long way to help that person in the long run. At first, it might not look like, what you are doing will work, but trust me, the Holy Ghost will work with it, you just need to be faithful with what you do. So I admonish you today to think about this, because that little effort you put in can go a long way to help someone to become established in the faith. Always remember you have a responsibility to fulfil in that city where you live because you are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14) and the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13).


A little effort from you in the area of bringing people to Jesus, can make an eternal difference in people’s lives!


Thank you Heavenly Father for giving me the ministry of reconciliation, I declare that the wisdom, ability and grace to make an eternal difference in people’s lives is at work in me and causing many to receive salvation through me in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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