….be an example (pattern) for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity…”1 Timothy 4:12 (AMPC)

As a believer, it is important to note that beyond receiving Jesus into your life, you must be a good example to others. Your Christianity ought to show in your day to do activities and relationships with others but sadly that is not the case in our world today. There are far too many Christians, who do not show a good example to others. It has become too rampant to the point where most people don’t want to do business with Christians, because they are not sure if they can trust them. In fact, you will see people who would say, they prefer to do a business with a Muslim because they can be trusted and they have integrity. Now, they speak like this because they may have had a terrible experience in their dealings with people who claimed to be Christians. Attitudes like that do not portray the Christian faith in the right way, instead, it creates doubt and lack of trust, which shouldn’t be. So, to avoid such issues, it is best to make a conscious decision to be an example to others. In our opening text which was taken from the Amplified Classic version of 1 Timothy 4:12, the Bible says, ….be an example (pattern) for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity…”1 Timothy 4:12 (AMPC). Did you see that? It did not only tell us to be an example, it also specified the areas in which we ought to be examples.

It says, we ought to be an example in speech, that is the way we talk. God does not want us to talk like unbelievers or people who have no hope. Rather, He wants us to be an example in speaking faith and making a positive confession. Our words must be full of grace and not cursing.  Apart from this, He also wants us to be an example in good conduct, that is the way we conduct ourselves before others and relate with others. It is expected that men should see Christ in you when you relate with them. In addition to this, God wants us to be good examples of love. Our life must and should communicate the love of God at all times. This is one thing that makes us different, if we are able to walk in that path, we are walking in one of the most powerful principles on earth because love conquers all. And also, we ought to show good examples, in faith, that is our actions of faith. The way you express your faith matters a lot. Your faith walk can go a long way to either instil fear in people or instil faith in people. If you are part of those who respond or react in fear, you will most certainly instil fear in people and that is not a good example. So, make a conscious decision to be an example in your faith walk. And finally, we ought to be examples in purity, in other words, our lifestyle should reflect Christian consecration, not worldly living. So, as you journey in your Christian walk, choose to be an example. Wherever you go and in whatever you do, “…let your conduct, be worthy of the Gospel of Christ…” Philippians 1:27 (NKJV) Hallelujah!


It’s not enough to be a Christian, you must make a conscious decision to be a good example!


Father, I thank you for the privilege of receiving Jesus into my life, I decree that the grace to be a good example to others is at work in me and against all odds, my life will always be worthy of the Gospel in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Categories: January 2021


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