“…no servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other…” Luke 16:13 (NKJV)

I have always wondered why people find it very difficult to love God, or make sacrifices for God. I have always wondered why people are reluctant to pray or study God’s word or even to work in the house of the Lord. But I was not surprised when the answer finally hit me. Think for a second, and as yourself this question. “Where does God stand in my life? This thing I am having with God what is the name? Am I having an affair or a love relationship with God? You may be wondering and saying, “What is the difference between them”, I will tell you. A relationship means two people are involved with each other; they are loyal and faithful to each other. An affair is one person in a relationship having a second relationship with another person without the other partner knowing. An affair means you are cheating on the person you are to be having a relationship with. Also considering the length, affairs are short-term relationships, while relationships are longer. Having said that, what would you call this thing that you are having with God? Or haven’t you thought of giving it a name? I think if you try to give it a name you will really know what you are into.

I have heard about several situations where you find a lady who feels she’s into a guy but does not know where it’s leading. Sometimes, women have to sit their partners down and ask, “Where is this relationship headed?” Of course, if it’s an affair, it always ends immediately the question is asked. So here goes the big question, are you cheating on God or using God to cheat on something else? Is God your short-term relationship? Today you are with God and it’s all sweet and cosy, and tomorrow you go back to who you are really in a relationship with. Some people are in a relationship with money, but they come to God and spend some time when money is not available. Do you want to be with God but have so entangled yourself with other things and you just can’t commit to a relationship with Him? That would mean you are having an affair with God and not in a relationship with Him. And this affair will end even before you have enough time to enjoy anything from God because affairs don’t work well with God. God is only looking for men and women who can commit to a relationship with Him. These are the kind of relationships that works well with God. Some temporary feeling will not help at all. So my advice is that you wake up, and be with God. Fall in love with God again and be in a relationship with Him, this is where the benefits of salvation lie. Praise God!


Fall in love with God again and be in a relationship with Him, this is where the benefits of salvation lie!


My Lord and my God! I pledge my love for you today. You are the one whom my heart has chosen to follow. I will not put one leg in and one leg out. I am into you, loving you with all of my heart and ready to take my relationship with you to the very next level you expect it to go. I will be devoted to you and give you my undying love.


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