“…guard your heart above all else. For it determines the course of your life…” Proverbs 4:23 (NLT)

God has called us to live a life full of joy and happiness. He wants us to live a cheerful life and avoid grief and sorrow. Life obviously will throw things at you that might make you want to feel sad, dejected and rejected but you must learn to control your emotions. When emotions are not controlled, the chances of living a life of grief are very fat because there are several factors in life that get to our emotions. Heartbreak, betrayal, backbiting and lots more but you have to make a conscious decision not to allow this to get to your heart. Because when it gets to your heart; it poisons everything that you do and puts your life in jeopardy. Many have become an emotional wreck because they are not able to control their emotions, you find them always crying at the drop of a hat. You find them getting depressed at the things that are not supposed to make them depressed, why? Because they have not mounted a guard over their emotions, they have become victims of their emotions and unconsciously, they are living in sadness but God does not want this for you. God wants us to be different. God wants you to be a cheerful person who is able to take charge of his emotions and not allow the emotions to take charge of him.

You must come to a place where you draw the line and choose who will be in control, whether you or your emotions. Make up your mind to begin to take charge of your life and your emotions. As long as you are in this world, don’t think that things will always go smoothly. Challenges of life will come, heartbreaks will come, people who love you will treat you in a disappointing way but guess what, never allow those things to move you. Take a hold of your emotions and control your feelings, wipe the tears and stop negative thoughts, they are not necessary. No matter how you do all these, they will never bring a solution. Jesus Christ, said something that impacted me so much, He said “which of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? (Luke 12:25-26 NIV) From this, you discover that an uncontrolled emotion will not change anything, so the best thing is to keep your emotions controlled. When your emotion is controlled, it helps you to think straight and think the right thoughts, it helps you to see clearly, it helps you to maintain your composure and come up with a lasting solution and it helps you to be the man or woman God wants you to be. So my dear, hear ye the word of the Lord today, in all that you do or go through, remember to consciously and deliberately keep your emotions in control for this is good and acceptable in the eyes of the Lord.


You must come to a place where you draw the line and choose who will be in control, whether you or your emotions!


Thank you my Lord and my God for inspiring me with your words, I am fired up and strengthened by your words today. I declare that from this day henceforth, my emotions will be put under control. I will be the one in charge and not my emotions in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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